Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The guys caught and killed another Fer-de-Lance.  Here is Marcos with the kill of the day. So dangerous.


Kat Sunlove said...

Good grief, Ginnee!! I hadn't ck'd your blog in a week or so and now when I do, what do I find but a Fer-de-lance photo!! That's one guy I don't want to meet!

Hope all's going well for you two...

Ginnee Hancock said...

Fer de Lance is common here, we kill 4 or more a week. They give birth to 100 live dangerous babies at one time.

I want to make shish-ka-bobs out of them. Pure protein. If we don't like the BBQed snake, then I will boil them and add the meat to my dog food. Parts are parts.

There is also an opportunity to make snake skin boots,and belts...the opportunities are endless.

Shaheen said...

At first glance I was not sure what he was holding up, but now I see clearly. Wow.