Phil had a meeting today with two of our men, Marcos and his son Mauricio. Marcos, our #1 boss man, is on the School Board. Phil shared with him our end of the year celebration ideas. Marcos will dress up as Don Quixote and ride a horse to the school yard in costume. Phil will provide Felipe burgers at the party. Marcos understands that we want to participate but our participation requires that the village be involved in some capacity. He found our ideas to be very funny.
Our focus must respectfully stay on tract, education for the children. Our School Board member, Marcos, will go to San Jose this week to request a voucher from the government for each student. It seems that one uniform costs about $48.00 per child. A staggering amount of money considering the low earnings most receive if they have employment. If we can provide uniforms for free, perhaps we can spend that money for books. We will look into that potential option. How does a child go to school for a full year with only one uniform and one pencil? Where will his shoes come from? How will he or she stay warm? Mornings are cold in the mountains.
Would you consider sponsoring a child's education? Would you donate $150.00 per year so that the child could have books to go with their uniform? Would you provide pencils so that 3 poor children are not sharing one stub of a pencil? Will you buy a pair of shoes? Will you help me help a child? You can change the course of a valuable life by keeping a child in school. Email me to share your gift.
Maurico is a fine young man; married with a child. Last year Maurico lost his leg in an industrial accident. He is being fitted for his second prosthetic device. Both he and his father would like to get their drivers license. Phil is teaching Maurico to take care of details, negotiations, and to be responsible for the care and accounting of our tool supply as well as payroll. His duties will become more defined as the project moves forward. I have to believe that there are other prosthetic devices that would allow Maurico to have more mobility opportunities.
Education and continued education for the people will change lives. It is as simple as putting a little more food on the table, or being able to buy your child a pair of shoes for school. They just need a little help, not for them, but for their children. Will you help? I will provide uniforms, will each of you buy a pair of shoes or a navy blue uniform?
Our focus must respectfully stay on tract, education for the children. Our School Board member, Marcos, will go to San Jose this week to request a voucher from the government for each student. It seems that one uniform costs about $48.00 per child. A staggering amount of money considering the low earnings most receive if they have employment. If we can provide uniforms for free, perhaps we can spend that money for books. We will look into that potential option. How does a child go to school for a full year with only one uniform and one pencil? Where will his shoes come from? How will he or she stay warm? Mornings are cold in the mountains.
Would you consider sponsoring a child's education? Would you donate $150.00 per year so that the child could have books to go with their uniform? Would you provide pencils so that 3 poor children are not sharing one stub of a pencil? Will you buy a pair of shoes? Will you help me help a child? You can change the course of a valuable life by keeping a child in school. Email me to share your gift.
Maurico is a fine young man; married with a child. Last year Maurico lost his leg in an industrial accident. He is being fitted for his second prosthetic device. Both he and his father would like to get their drivers license. Phil is teaching Maurico to take care of details, negotiations, and to be responsible for the care and accounting of our tool supply as well as payroll. His duties will become more defined as the project moves forward. I have to believe that there are other prosthetic devices that would allow Maurico to have more mobility opportunities.
Education and continued education for the people will change lives. It is as simple as putting a little more food on the table, or being able to buy your child a pair of shoes for school. They just need a little help, not for them, but for their children. Will you help? I will provide uniforms, will each of you buy a pair of shoes or a navy blue uniform?