Wednesday, December 06, 2006

To date I have shipped three different shipments from Port Everglades in Florida, to Puerto Limon. I made a fantastic decision to do buisness with Puerto Limon Agency, they have taken care of my business and given me star treatment on their end. If you are shipping a container, these folks are as good as it gets. My choice to do business with Crowley because they are in Fort Lauderdale has not been as satisfying. Three shipments with reservations, three times not put on their ship even with a reservation, therefore arriving a week after they should have. 3 for 3 is not a good score on Crowley's part. Why did I have to race against the clock to have the container picked up, when two weeks later it continues to sit in Port Everglades.

I just received a call from Mike at the Agency, shipment #2 just arrived. Bravo! Bravo! My husband's beloved truck made it. He really loves this truck, it is almost like he gave birth to it. It was his first new truck, his first diesel truck, he designed the custom bed, and it had something experimental about it, but I can not remember what. It is his baby. I believe it will be very handy for hauling stuff, or cows and goats. If it is ever going to get to the land we will need to build a bridge where their was one before it washed away.

Phil was going to our land this week on the public road and the well traveled bridge by the coffee mill had boards missing. He turned around and went back to the house. When bridges don't work in CR the busses simply stop at the bridge, the people exit and walk across to the bus on the other side and continue with their journey. We have crossed some bridges (with this bus scenerio) where we held our breath and prayed. We came to one and Phil was surprised that it was still in disrepair. Oh geez I don't want to drive across this again, he said. But we did, with great care. I always love it when the vehicle in front of you stops, someone gets out, moves the boards or steel plates around, blesses themselves, motions and directs the truck as it picks it's way across. Oh Lord Jesus please save us all I pray. It is a good thing Phil is driving, because I close my eyes. He would like to close his, but he can't. Never a dull moment in a developing nation.

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